Dissolution of nuclearic materials into Pacific Ocean:

Negative Log (n) graph positive and negative y, take x factor points (Current Data plotted – cleaned data excl. extreme Rad readings)

Apply factorial to x factor (x,y points) of log(n) to a simple linear regression path to find the volume of unknown radioactive left. ended.

Hence deriving the time decay rate answer to close to 0 (on imaginary second x axis). And obtaining the timetable to a safe fukushima PP environment.

Need to look at 2013 calculations

2024-2013= 10 years

2024-2011= 13 years

A represents the total activity of the power plant (current)

A = -dN/dt (readings in dN is negative)

Suppose N is the size of a population of radioactive atoms at a given time t, and dN is the amount by which the population decreases in time dt; then the rate of change is given by the equation dN/dt = −λN, where λ is the decay constant.

Google reference

λ = v/f

Velocity = change in x/ change in t

f = 1/T

Time period to be denoted in number of days. With consideration to leap years.

Change in X = data in 2013 factorial / 13-10 (because of nuclear material radioactive decay rate which is dissimilar from normal atomic material) – for safer calculation

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